The Import of Raising the Minimum Wage

Arguing against raising the minimum wage because it might limit the creations of jobs that don't pay enough for people to survive it not only disingenuous, it is also cruel. That is, however, precisely what opponents of increasing the minimum wage are doing. It is a reminder that the fight to raise the minimum wage is concerned better pay for people, but also goes to the core to preserving, or perhaps rebuilding, rights, fairness and dignity for American workers.

Can an Obama Jobs Bill Be Taken Seriously

This bill almost certainly has its origins both in Obama's need to address the problem of widespread unemployment as well as for the President to regain the political upper hand in the jobs debate. While it is good that the President is concerned about unemployment and preparing to try to address this problem, albeit through proposals that will inevitably end up being too modest to make a significant difference, it is troubling that this far into his term, Obama is still searching for a way to both help develop jobs and to demonstrate that he is genuinely concerned with the widespread unemployment that has existed since he took office.