Some Perspective on the Steroid Era

For baseball fans, December is the time of year when the hot stove heats up as rumors and confirmations of trades and free agent signing take our attention away from less important things like work or the holiday season. This is a fun and welcome distraction, but the newer December ritual of reporters and baseball people of a certain age, most recently Tommy Lasorda, making pronouncements about how steroid users, according to their subjective definition, do not belong in the Hall of Fame, has become tiresome.

The Steroid News Could be Worse


The only thing we know for certain about steroid usage in baseball is that we don’t know anything for certain about steroid usage in baseball.  Leaked information, inconclusive tests and strong suspicions comprise the majority of the “evidence” in this area.  The list of stars that are either clearly guilty or strongly suspected,of using steroids is well known and includes some of the biggest names in the game’s recent history: McGwire, Sosa, A-Rod, Bonds, Ortiz and Clemens.